The Secure Mask Supply Association Urges Healthcare Community to End Risky Reliance on Foreign Made
In a November, 2007 US Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) presentation entitled, Discussion with Respirator Protection Device...
Premier, Inc's COO Comments on US-Made Supply
When the Secure Mask Supply Association asked Premier, Inc. to weigh in on the conversation about a more secure mask supply, COO Michael...
U.S. Surgical Mask Manufacturers Join Forces to Raise Awareness of Domestic Supply Risk
- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - The Secure Mask Supply Association (SMSA), a collaboration between industry competitors Prestige Ameritech,...

Dr. Robin Robinson, Director of BARDA, Comments on Mask Supply
During the American Medical Association and Infectious Diseases Society of America's Policy Forum on Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza...

Excerpt from "Economic Outlook"
The following is an excerpt from the article Building a Smarter Supply Chain: Best practices and recommendations for pandemic...
From the CNN Newsroom: Flu Mask Supply [transcript]
PHILLIPS: One big health worry for everyone right now, you guessed it -- swine flu. The shots and nasal mist sprays should be at clinics...