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The Secure Mask Supply Association Urges Healthcare Community to End Risky Reliance on Foreign Made

In a November, 2007 US Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) presentation entitled, Discussion with Respirator Protection Device Manufacturers on Preparedness and Surge Capacity, HHS officials expressed concern about the dependability of America’s imported flu mask supply during pandemics. The HHS presentation stated that 95% of America’s surgical masks and a significant percentage of its respirators were imported.

In 2015, the safety of America’s healthcare workers and patients remains dependent on masks that will be under foreign control during future pandemics. If mask exporting countries nationalize mask factories or have infrastructure problems, America’s mask supply could be disrupted when it is needed most. “America’s healthcare community didn’t voluntarily switch to imported masks – America’s mask sellers moved mask manufacturing out of the United States”, said Mike Bowen, Secure Mask Supply Association (SMSA) spokesperson. “In the interest of healthcare-worker and patient safety, the SMSA urges America’s healthcare community to switch back to US made masks and respirators”.


Mike Bowen


Secure Mask Supply Association



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